Trophy Game Records of the World (TGR) has been in existence since 1978. TGR was developed as a record keeping system for trophy collecting. TGR has evolved
into a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization which recognizes that sport hunting can be an appropriate means of regulating animal populations within the carrying capacity of their environment. TGR also understands that through the means of hunting, it is economically beneficial, enabling landowners to better manage and conserve the wildlife and habitat on their property while maintaining their hunting heritage.
TGR hosts a Big Buck Contest every year, beginning with the opening of Whitetail Deer season and ending on Januray 31st. The contest consists of Whitetail Deer, Texas Mule Deer, and Wild Turkey Divisions. For more information, please visit our Big Buck Contest Website (www.tgrbugbuckcontest.com).
TGR also hosts an Awards Banquet each year in July. It is a great way to showcase hunters, guides, outfitters, and ranches accomplishments from the previous hunting year.
Board Members
Jordan Anders, President
Tommy Vanckhoven, Vice President
Kody Kubala, Treasurer
Calan Ahrens, Secretary
Art Garcia
Justin Gazaway
Mike Felts
Chris Fritz
Victor Hollender
Terry Owen
Clay Simon
Technical Committee
Clay Simon, Chairman (Big Buck Contest Committee)
Michael Felts
Dustin Jones
Kody Kubala
Lamar Lindley
Cody Murr (Big Buck Contest Committee)
Terry Owen (Big Buck Contest Committee)
Lewis Scherer, III
Justin Taylor
Tommy Vanckhoven (Big Buck Contest Committee)
Youth Programs &
Scholarship Committee
Calan Ahrens
Andy Garcia
Financial Committee
Jordan Anders
Kody Kubala